How to Seize Your Main Character Energy in 2023

Resolution Season is here, so you’re probably working on your New Year, New Me to-do list right now (because same). From wardrobe changes to beauty routines and everything in between, the new year is a chance to become a better version of yourself.

Speaking of our best selves, 2022 was all about being the main character. If you didn’t feel like one, that’s okay, too! 2023 offers a fresh opportunity to harness that energy, and we’re here to help.

Take time for introspection.

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You’d think that the person who knows you best is yourself, but this isn’t always the case. As individuals, we’re usually biased, and our perception may not be the most objective. Take time to look inward and assess the different aspects of your daily life. Maybe you can start calling yourself out when you spot an undesirable mannerism or reward yourself when you feel you’ve made progress.

It can also be as simple as evaluating yourself at the end of each day. A little self-awareness, as long as it’s in the right place, can go a long way in self-improvement.

Get up and move.

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We mean this literally. If you were behind on your health goals last year, it’s time to get off your bum and move. You don’t need to hit the gym or enroll in pilates class—you can start by going on daily walks, then advancing to weekly runs or hikes.

As the main character, you’re in charge of how you live your life. That includes taking care of yourself so you feel and look your best, even if sometimes you just want to sink into your bed and skip to the next scene.

Change your look—even if it’s temporary.

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One of the things we love about beauty is that you always have options. See 2023 as a year of exploration. Buy that electric blue eyeliner that’s always been in your cart, follow a trendy makeup tutorial when you get ready for a night out, or wear red lipstick when you run errands—be adventurous! You’ll be amazed at how a simple transformation can change your feelings about yourself.

Give yourself permission to splurge.

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It’s January, meaning end-of-year sales will flood your socials and email soon. If you’re done purging your closet before the new year (we suggest you do it if you haven’t), there’s no better time to revamp your wardrobe than now. Take advantage of membership sales, coupons, and post-holiday markdowns—we’re giving you permission to shop!

Find joy in everything you do. 

Working on the “new you” might seem overrated, but try your best to find the fun in it. Shopping that feels like self-care, reflections that set the tone of your day. Having fun while bettering yourself is the ultimate main character energy vibe you want this 2023. It’s a positive force that pushes you to be more mindful no matter where the past year left you. Now, finish that to-do list and get ready to live the life you deserve.


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