How to *Actually* Take a Break This Holiday Season

It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of the holiday season when you’re working non-stop.  But here’s a reality check: You’ve done the best you can all year and deserve a break. Can you actually enjoy your holiday vacation?

The answer is a resounding yes. Gifts aside, there are more ways to make your days off more meaningful; the best part is it has nothing to do with taking up a new hobby, doing yoga, or bumping up your skincare routine.

Unplug from social media.

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Taking time off from work and social media can improve your mental health in more ways than you can imagine. You don’t need to update yourself on what everybody’s doing over the holiday break. What matters is that you are taking care of yourself, and if mindless scrolling has gotten the best of you this past year, there’s no better time to unplug than now. Instead, look for things to plug into your TV, so you can binge-watch new movies and series, as well as your all-time favorites.

Avoid checking your email.

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We’ve all been there: You get a notification for one email, and the next thing you know, you’re answering six more. Resist the urge to check your email unless it’s necessary. If nothing is pressing on your schedule, leave it alone! You’ll feel more relaxed and focused.

When you’re not immersed in the world of work, deadlines, and meetings, it makes it easier to think about what matters most. If you can disengage from the digital world for a few days, those things will come more naturally and maybe even with more enthusiasm.

Get quality sleep—lots of it.

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When was the last time you had a total of eight hours of sleep? If you had to think long and hard to answer, chances are you aren’t getting it. Quality sleep is crucial to your health and well-being when tackling your day-to-day. We emphasize ‘quality’ because having a cozy and relaxing bedroom for your much-needed Zs is as important for your well-being. If you need to book that hotel room for yourself, go for it!

Spend more face-to-face time with your loved ones.

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Zoom fatigue has plagued our relationships with our friends and family. So, it helps to be more intentional in spending time with them this holiday season, where your presence is truly a gift. You don’t even have to go out of your way to do this—you can take a moment to sit down and talk with each other or ask questions about their day. Like any physical activity, you’ll feel much better being in each other’s company.

Stop feeling guilty.

You shouldn’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. You need it more than you think! If you want to feel better after your break, then make sure to organize your schedule so that when you return to work, the stressors aren't so overwhelming that they take over your life again.


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